Options Backdating: score one for the little guy! All of the recent SEC investigation into stock option grant backdating started with some research done by a professor, Erik Lie, at the University of Iowa [http://www.biz.uiowa.edu/faculty/elie/backdating.htm]. I love it when the little guy can cause such positive change just by speaking
Options Backdating: score one for the little guy! All of the recent SEC investigation into stock option grant backdating started with some research done by a professor, Erik Lie, at the University of Iowa [http://www.biz.uiowa.edu/faculty/elie/backdating.htm]. I love it when the little guy can cause such positive change just by speaking
What a beautiful day! Fall is around the corner, and my favorite weather of the year is here. Sunny with a touch of crispness in the air makes for great bike rides, hikes and walks. I love it here!
What a beautiful day! Fall is around the corner, and my favorite weather of the year is here. Sunny with a touch of crispness in the air makes for great bike rides, hikes and walks. I love it here!
What a beautiful day! Fall is around the corner, and my favorite weather of the year is here. Sunny with a touch of crispness in the air makes for great bike rides, hikes and walks. I love it here!
"Daddy" It's over! I'm officially called "daddy" again by my son; hurray! After about two days of consistent, kind, rebuttal each time he called me by my first name, he woke up yesterday and called me "daddy" all day long. All I did
"Daddy" It's over! I'm officially called "daddy" again by my son; hurray! After about two days of consistent, kind, rebuttal each time he called me by my first name, he woke up yesterday and called me "daddy" all day long. All I did
"Daddy" It's over! I'm officially called "daddy" again by my son; hurray! After about two days of consistent, kind, rebuttal each time he called me by my first name, he woke up yesterday and called me "daddy" all day long. All I did
Daddy, my name. A few weeks ago, my four year old son stopped calling me "daddy," and started calling me by my first name; and I don't like it one bit! It happened after his first sleep-over, which included his three cousins who just moved to town (ages ten,
Daddy, my name. A few weeks ago, my four year old son stopped calling me "daddy," and started calling me by my first name; and I don't like it one bit! It happened after his first sleep-over, which included his three cousins who just moved to town (ages ten,
Daddy, my name. A few weeks ago, my four year old son stopped calling me "daddy," and started calling me by my first name; and I don't like it one bit! It happened after his first sleep-over, which included his three cousins who just moved to town (ages ten,
Geeks, the web, and demographics I just got an email from a friend who said "I read your blog. I enjoyed the bits that weren't over my head :-)". I realized I need to be blogging about non-technical stuff (I thought I already was :-)). The timing of my friend'
Geeks, the web, and demographics I just got an email from a friend who said "I read your blog. I enjoyed the bits that weren't over my head :-)". I realized I need to be blogging about non-technical stuff (I thought I already was :-)). The timing of my friend'
Geeks, the web, and demographics I just got an email from a friend who said "I read your blog. I enjoyed the bits that weren't over my head :-)". I realized I need to be blogging about non-technical stuff (I thought I already was :-)). The timing of my friend'
Ajax Design Patterns - Book Review Ajax Design Patterns [http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ajaxdp/], by Michael Mahemoff, has been a pleasant surprise. Michael separates the hype and buzz from the technical reality behind building modern web applications and content. He does a fantastic job exploring patterns that have emerged over the past few years in
Ajax Design Patterns - Book Review Ajax Design Patterns [http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ajaxdp/], by Michael Mahemoff, has been a pleasant surprise. Michael separates the hype and buzz from the technical reality behind building modern web applications and content. He does a fantastic job exploring patterns that have emerged over the past few years in
Ajax Design Patterns - Book Review Ajax Design Patterns [http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ajaxdp/], by Michael Mahemoff, has been a pleasant surprise. Michael separates the hype and buzz from the technical reality behind building modern web applications and content. He does a fantastic job exploring patterns that have emerged over the past few years in
Tagging my pictures. I use iView Media Pro for my photo management, and it supports tagging. Over the past several months I've been actively tagging new photos as I transfer them from my camera to my iMac. It was challenging coming up with a taxonomy that my wife and I could
Tagging my pictures. I use iView Media Pro for my photo management, and it supports tagging. Over the past several months I've been actively tagging new photos as I transfer them from my camera to my iMac. It was challenging coming up with a taxonomy that my wife and I could
Tagging my pictures. I use iView Media Pro for my photo management, and it supports tagging. Over the past several months I've been actively tagging new photos as I transfer them from my camera to my iMac. It was challenging coming up with a taxonomy that my wife and I could
John Brown and supply chains I just viewed a talk by John Seely Brown (of Xerox Park; former Chief Scientist) given at CTC 2006 [http://www.collaborationloop.com/blogs/ctc-2006-john-seely-brown-2.htm]; yummy stuff. He really highlights the detriments of traditional U.S. supply chain management; namely that focusing exclusively on price, over-time, ruins the supply
John Brown and supply chains I just viewed a talk by John Seely Brown (of Xerox Park; former Chief Scientist) given at CTC 2006 [http://www.collaborationloop.com/blogs/ctc-2006-john-seely-brown-2.htm]; yummy stuff. He really highlights the detriments of traditional U.S. supply chain management; namely that focusing exclusively on price, over-time, ruins the supply
John Brown and supply chains I just viewed a talk by John Seely Brown (of Xerox Park; former Chief Scientist) given at CTC 2006 [http://www.collaborationloop.com/blogs/ctc-2006-john-seely-brown-2.htm]; yummy stuff. He really highlights the detriments of traditional U.S. supply chain management; namely that focusing exclusively on price, over-time, ruins the supply
Hybrid automobiles I just had a nice experience on my scooter. I'm very aware of the fumes and odor coming from cars around me when riding around town. This morning, I was behind a Toyota Highlander and noticed that I couldn't smell any exhaust. I looked at the
Hybrid automobiles I just had a nice experience on my scooter. I'm very aware of the fumes and odor coming from cars around me when riding around town. This morning, I was behind a Toyota Highlander and noticed that I couldn't smell any exhaust. I looked at the