Day In Pictures; My Life.

Day In Pictures; My Life.

Today I toted my camera with me to all my meetings. Half of the subjects are people I've worn down with this exercise and are "used to" me taking pictures of them. The other half were surprised, confused, and a little self conscious. Today's motivation came from my rental of a 50mm fixed/prime lens that I've been wanting to try out. I used it all day with the exception of a big group meeting shot.

Shannon, starting off our day at the office by leading Tuesday morning meditation; she's setting the timer before getting started.
Shannon, starting off our day at the office by leading Tuesday morning meditation; she's setting the timer before getting started.
Fun first meeting of the day with Andrew (one of our software developers). He's full of great ideas around how to make us better. He's also trouble as you might guess by looking at him.
Fun first meeting of the day with Andrew (one of our software developers). He's full of great ideas around how to make us better. He's also trouble as you might guess by looking at him.
Today we kicked off another project with Pivotal Labs. This is the kick-off of software being written on said project.
Today we kicked off another project with Pivotal Labs. This is the kick-off of software being written on said project.
My desk-mate for the past three years. She does not allow her picture to be taken. She's working on her posture; hence the backless stool for a seat.
My desk-mate for the past three years. She does not allow her picture to be taken. She's working on her posture; hence the backless stool for a seat.
The "Product Roundtable" session that we do after a release to production. People interested in what we're prioritizing show up to this meeting.
Meeting with Dan (co-founder of Full Contact) about what being a CTO means.
Meeting with Dan (co-founder of Full Contact) about what being a CTO means.
Walking meeting with Gnip's captain/CEO, Chris Moody, along Boulder creek path. One of my favorite things to do.
Walking meeting with Gnip's captain/CEO, Chris Moody, along Boulder creek path. One of my favorite things to do.
Coffee with Blake, from a NYC Venture Capital firm. He was in CO meeting with one of his portfolio firms.
Coffee with Blake, from a NYC Venture Capital firm. He was in CO meeting with one of his portfolio firms.
Coffee with Kyle, from same NYC Venture Capital firm. He was in CO meeting with one of his portfolio firms.
Coffee with Kyle, from same NYC Venture Capital firm. He was in CO meeting with one of his portfolio firms.
Late afternoon deep tissue massage with Boulder's own amazing Kendra Current.
Late afternoon deep tissue massage with Boulder's own amazing Kendra Current.
Final "in-office" meeting of the day with Gnip engineering management crew. Challenging, but good, discussion. Lucky to work with these guys. Yes, Eric (on the right) is physically dominating of all of us; that's not the lens playing tricks.
Wrapped the day over dinner and drinks with Ian. Always a treat.
Wrapped the day over dinner and drinks with Ian. Always a treat.
Ali took great care of Ian and myself. She always does.
Ali took great care of Ian and myself. She always does.