Day In Pictures: Thursday

Day In Pictures: Thursday
Ellie at Boxcar pulled together a yummy Cortado to start things off.
Ellie at Boxcar pulled together a yummy Cortado to start things off.
Rachel Ryle of Don't Stop Motion fame shares her creative experiences.
Rachel Ryle of Don't Stop Motion fame shares her creative experiences.
Johnny telling me about hanging art in The Laughing Goat. He made me my first latte many many years ago.
Johnny telling me about hanging art in The Laughing Goat. He made me my first latte many many years ago.
Nice girl at Zoe Ma Ma taking orders for the noodles.
Nice girl at Zoe Ma Ma taking orders for the noodles.
April after a solid early afternoon hike.
April after a solid early afternoon hike.
Rachel for pre-therapy iced coffee.
Rachel for pre-therapy iced coffee.
Therapy session with Jillian.
Therapy session with Jillian.
TechStars Boulder begins! Team/Mentor meet-and-greet.
TechStars Boulder begins! Team/Mentor meet-and-greet.
Matt and David. Good talk about 16-digit numbers.
Matt and David. Good talk about 16-digit numbers.
Catching up with Rob Taylor & Nicole Glaros.
Catching up with Rob Taylor & Nicole Glaros.
Talking about whale and the history of buckwheat vs. corn meal polenta with the maestro Bobby Stucky.
Talking about whale and the history of buckwheat vs. corn meal polenta with the maestro Bobby Stucky.
Talking about risk with entrepreneur Kyle Kuczun as the day winds down.
Talking about risk with entrepreneur Kyle Kuczun as the day winds down.