work Combining forces with Eric Marcoullier Eric Marcoullier [] and I have partnered up to execute on an a much needed piece of the tubes infrastructure, and lo' and behold, parlay that fancy new whatchamacallit into a tasty business. We'll be more forthcoming in due time, but we'
rant Down with Apple stores! I'm a huge Apple fan. I love nearly everything they do. I even really like Apple stores as long as I'm not trying to buy something. They're beautiful showcases and demo areas; but, it ends there. I've stopped going to my local
sms Mocapay I've been using a SMS payment service called Mocapay [] for several months now. I'm really excited about it, so I thought I'd jot some thoughts down. The idea is old, and I feel like several implementations over the years have
Poor-man's webcam Using OSX Leopard's remote Screen Sharing utility, I connected to my home machine, from work, fired up Photo Booth, and voilá! I was receiving a live feed of the back room in my house.
water water, l'eau, 水, wasser, agua It seems every five years or so, the desperate situation around fresh water seems to creep its way back into the limelight. I've seen it pop up a few times over the past few weeks in my circles again. As with other popular natural resources we are like
family "Princess _______" I went on a hike with my crew this morning. The weather was fabulous. We walked a dry creek-bed along its snaking path through the hills and trees. We wound up at one of my favorite places in Boulder; a "house" crudely constructed out of stone and concrete.
movies Syriana & Charlie Wilson's War If you haven't seen Syriana []; see it. If you haven't seen Charlie Wilson's War []; you should see it too. I saw Charlie's War yesterday, and watched Syriana for the umpteenth
mail annoyed rant #3: Leopard I've just moved back to Mozilla Thunderbird as my mail client on all of my Leopard machines. I thought I had the IMAP, IDLE, mail delete/trash problem licked, but no luck. Deleted messages keep coming back from the dead, and I'm tired of having a
apple annoyed rant#2: Apple OSX Leopard The day OSX Leopard came out I upgraded two of my machines to the new OS. I've blogged in the past about how insanely wonderful OSX upgrades are, however this time it has not been pretty. Sadly, both machines have problems post upgrade. One of them can'
rant annoyed rant #1: tabbing around web forms I navigate the web and my computer by keyboard as much as I can (mice are for kids). That means I "tab" around web pages to enter data such as usernames and passwords. There are few things in life as annoying as web pages that do not follow
technology Web Strength I'm sitting here listening to Dave Fetterman (Facebook API/Platform guy) [] at the Widget Summit in SF [], and the strength of the overall web platform is astounding. It's actually working ;-)
friends True Friends... Corny, late, two-bottles-of-Opus-One blog post. I'm back in San Francisco for a couple of nights, staying at an old friend's pad in the city. I love this town, and the friends we left when we moved back home to Boulder. As "big" a city
friends Your Friends I sat on a panel last week at a WICT conference in Denver [], and it forced me to crystallize some thinking we've been doing at Me.dium [] over the past year or so. I posted those thoughts over
iphone iPhone/iTunes sync pain It's beyond me why the iPhone & iTunes don't support sync'ing from multiple computers. Jason Snell has a good video post [] that proves it is possible to do multiple machine sync; but it is
scale Selling out and crashing servers The modern day version of major product success has become system crashes & overloads. Mainstream media associates high-demand and success with website failures. Today's "sold out due to high demand" equivalent is an HTTP 500 error, no server response at all, or "system down due
apple iPhone, Safari, Mobile Apps, and mobile carriers. Apple did it! Hosted mobile applications on the iPhone are powerful and useful. We've long desired a useful browser on a mobile device, but no-one has pulled it off; until now. I've been involved in many efforts to wedge a full-blown browser onto tiny solid-state devices;
me.dium Complexity and web document delivery. On the drive home from picking up our kids from my parent's house tonight, I recalled an exercise we went through at AOL a year-and-a-half ago or so. We were in the midst of an SEO fire-drill to ensure our dynamically generated web content was as crawlable and
apple Smaller is better! We used the release of the new aluminum body iMac's from Apple as an excuse to finally get rid of our previous generation 24" iMac. We secretly (eventually not so secretly) hated it all along and I'm so glad to be getting the new smaller
me.dium Me.dium Map Web Widget is here! Check-out the Me.dium widget at the top-right-hand corner of my blog! Now you can see the activity and people around my blog. I've been wanting to post this on my blog for a long time; it's finally here! You can get your own by signing
iphone iPhone keyboard and laziness Spell-checkers have given all of us a crutch when it comes to writing; we let them fill the gaps in our lacking spelling capabilities. We've stopped memorizing the phone numbers of friends and family and have given that responsibility over to the contact lists in our cell phones.
cafes American cafes, service, and tipping I don't understand why cafes, by-and-large, in the U.S. skip one of the most important parts of the experience; servers! Cafes in Europe and Asia have folks dedicated to the cafe tables, whether indoor or out, who take your order, and bus tables. However we don'
corporate welfare Google doing Evil in North Carolina I love the "do no Evil" mission statement that Google uses. It's one of those statements that's obviously too good to be true, particularly for a publicly traded company, yet they maintain it; bold. Business Week has a great story on the process that
music "Making a tape" I'm "making a tape." Well, not really, rather I'm building a playlist in iTunes, but it feels like I'm making a tape; something I used to do when I was a kid. The thing to do was build a compilation of music
gadgets iPhone A friend of mine and I went to the Boulder Apple store around 5:45 and got in line. We were number 165 (out of say 250) by the time the doors opened. We were inside the store buying our iPhones by about 6:30 and we were all set
home Efficient water use. We went through a major remodel roughly a year ago. In the process we changed some of our appliances in the house, winding up with dish and clothes washer models that are considered highly efficient. I knew we were doing the right thing, and each month our water bill proves