Day In Pictures: Tuesday

Day In Pictures: Tuesday
Steve Pockross who's happy running blogmutt these days. Wonderful Valley transplant whose roots are now in place.
Steve Pockross who's happy running blogmutt these days. Wonderful Valley transplant whose roots are now in place.
Christian Braun who's been building something awesome in hobbydb with intense clarity and focus. 
Christian Braun who's been building something awesome in hobbydb with intense clarity and focus. 
Srinivasa Venkataraman (Venky) just moved to Boulder to nail a VPE role at Sovrn. Turned me on to good Indian dosa in my own backyard, and reminded me of how awesome
Srinivasa Venkataraman (Venky) just moved to Boulder to nail a VPE role at Sovrn. Turned me on to good Indian dosa in my own backyard, and reminded me of how awesome "the bubble" was in the late '90s in the Valley.
Fortuitous blast from the past at a JP Morgan presentation this morning; Todd Lockwood from high-school looking sharp.
Fortuitous blast from the past at a JP Morgan presentation this morning; Todd Lockwood from high-school looking sharp.
Dana Ferrero Spaulding getting piles of money and the people who know how to manage it together in one room. 
Dana Ferrero Spaulding getting piles of money and the people who know how to manage it together in one room. 
Michael Platt (Cooley)... m&a legal mastermind. I'm trying to figure out how/why the two of us find ourselves in the same room as often as we do.
Michael Platt (Cooley)... m&a legal mastermind. I'm trying to figure out how/why the two of us find ourselves in the same room as often as we do.
Brian Lehman... fun discussion around consulting vs. FTE approaches to getting things done. Awesome data viz mind.
Brian Lehman... fun discussion around consulting vs. FTE approaches to getting things done. Awesome data viz mind.
Fun end-of-day connect with Matt Blomstedt. He's on a mission with SpringTime Ventures. I love talking to people taking a risk.
Fun end-of-day connect with Matt Blomstedt. He's on a mission with SpringTime Ventures. I love talking to people taking a risk.